What is Mitch McConnell Famous For: The Legacy of the Powerful Senate Leader

Mitch McConnell is the senior United States Senator from Kentucky and has served as the Republican Leader of the Senate since 2007. He is currently the longest-serving U.S. Senator for Kentucky in history. During his long political career, McConnell has become one of the most powerful and influential Republican leaders in Congress. But what exactly is Mitch McConnell most famous for? Here is an in-depth look at McConnell’s biggest accomplishments, controversies, and defining political moments.

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McConnell’s Major Accomplishments and Influence

Confirming Conservative Judges

One of the things Mitch McConnell is most well-known for is his focus on confirming conservative federal judges while blocking many of President Obama’s judicial nominees. As Senate Majority Leader, McConnell prioritized approving Trump’s Supreme Court nominees – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. This has led to a significant rightward shift in the federal judiciary.

Total Judges Confirmed Under McConnell
Supreme Court Justices3
Appellate Court Judges54
District Court Judges146

In all, McConnell has helped confirm over 200 federal judges nominated by Trump. This is a major legacy that will shape American law for decades to come.

Blocking Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court Nomination

In 2016, Justice Antonin Scalia died, leaving a vacant Supreme Court seat. President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy, but McConnell refused to hold confirmation hearings or a vote on the nomination. He argued that Supreme Court vacancies should not be filled in a presidential election year. This was a controversial move that enabled Trump to appoint Neil Gorsuch instead after he won the election. The blocked nomination of Merrick Garland remains one of McConnell’s most high-profile political maneuvers.

Repealing the Affordable Care Act

McConnell strongly opposed President Obama’s signature healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare). As Majority Leader, he led Republican efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare. In 2017, the Senate was just one vote short of passing a ‘skinny repeal’ bill to overhaul parts of the law. Though unsuccessful, McConnell continued criticizing the law and calling for its repeal. The campaign against Obamacare is one of McConnell’s top policy priorities.

Shaping the Direction of the Republican Party

As the highest-ranking Republican in Congress, McConnell has heavily influenced the direction of the GOP and policy priorities in Washington. He has focused the party’s agenda on issues like tax cuts, judicial confirmations, and repealing regulations. McConnell’s obstruction of Obama’s agenda also increased partisan gridlock. His influence within the Republican Party is far-reaching, especially in shaping legislative strategy.

Facilitating Huge Tax Cuts

One of McConnell’s biggest victories was the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, the largest tax overhaul in decades. McConnell was instrumental in getting the bill through the Senate. The legislation introduced substantial tax cuts for corporations and high-income Americans while adding over $1 trillion to the national debt. But it fulfilled one of McConnell’s major goals of cutting taxes and regulations.

McConnell’s Controversies and Criticisms

Mitch McConnell has drawn significant criticism from Democrats throughout his Senate career for his hyper-partisan approach. Here are some of the most controversial aspects of McConnell’s tenure:

Blocking Election Security Bills

McConnell has repeatedly blocked bills aimed at increasing election security and preventing foreign interference. In 2019, he prevented votes on several measures related to protecting elections from cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns. Critics accused McConnell of allowing vulnerability in US elections to continue.

Support for Big Money in Politics

McConnell is a strong supporter of Citizens United and opposes increasing regulations on campaign finance. He has been one of the largest recipients of contributions from special interest groups. McConnell argues that campaign spending is a form of free speech. But critics claim he perpetuates the corruption of big money in politics.

Opposition to Ethics Rules and Reform

Over the years, McConnell has fought against many proposed ethics reforms in the Senate including lobbying disclosure requirements. He led the push to repeal anti-corruption rules passed in the wake of the Jack Abramoff scandal. McConnell has regularly faced criticism for blocking attempts to increase government transparency and ethical oversight.

Handling of Trump’s Impeachment Trial

As Senate Majority Leader, McConnell controlled the impeachment process against Donald Trump. He was widely accused of coordinating directly with the White House. McConnell refused to allow witnesses or subpoenas during the Senate trial, resulting in an abbreviated acquittal. Democrats criticized him for failing to hold a fair and legitimate trial.

Response to Insurrection at the Capitol

After the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, McConnell strongly condemned the insurrection. However, he voted minutes later against certifying Joe Biden’s electoral victory. McConnell opposed impeaching Trump over the insurrection. Many saw his inconsistent stance as motivated by partisan politics rather than principle.

Defining Moments in McConnell’s Senate Career

Mitch McConnell has served in the Senate for over 35 years, during which he has been involved in many important moments in modern American political history. Here are some of the key events that have defined McConnell’s career:

Becoming Longest-Serving Senator from Kentucky

In 2020, McConnell surpassed former Senator John Sherman Cooper to become the longest-serving US Senator in Kentucky history. He was first elected in 1984 and has been reelected ever since, dominating Kentucky politics. McConnell’s seniority helped him ascend to becoming Majority Leader.

Reversing Position to Support Trump’s Candidacy

During the 2016 election, McConnell was initially critical of Donald Trump’s candidacy. However, as Trump gained momentum, McConnell endorsed him and mobilized the Republican Party to support his presidential bid. This pivot helped solidify the alliance between Trump and the GOP in Congress.

Refusing to Hold Hearings on Merrick Garland

By denying Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland any consideration for confirmation in 2016, McConnell cemented his legacy of reshaping the federal judiciary. The unprecedented blockade kept the seat open for Trump’s nominee Neil Gorsuch and demonstrated McConnell’s masterful obstructionism.

Coordinating Defense for Trump’s Impeachment Trial

McConnell’s tight control over the impeachment trial proceedings in early 2020 protected Trump from removal from office. He refused Democrats’ requests for documents and witnesses related to the Ukraine scandal. This discipline kept Republicans united behind Trump resulting in a quick acquittal.

Accepting Electoral College Votes After January 6th

On January 6th, 2021, McConnell recognized Joe Biden as the lawful election winner following the assault on the Capitol. McConnell’s acceptance isolated Trump’s attempt to overturn the election and showed McConnell prized the transfer of power over loyalty to Trump.

McConnell’s Stances on Key Issues

McConnell is renowned for his conservative policy positions and legislative skills. Here are some of McConnell’s views and records on major issues facing the country:


McConnell has a 0% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America and is staunchly anti-abortion rights. He supports banning abortions after 20 weeks, defunding Planned Parenthood, and appointing anti-abortion judges.


McConnell backs lower corporate and individual tax rates, capital gains tax cuts, and estate tax repeal. He led efforts to pass the 2017 tax overhaul law that provided nearly $1.5 trillion in tax cuts.


McConnell takes a hardline stance against illegal immigration and opposed comprehensive reform bills in 2006 and 2013. He supports increased border security and reducing legal immigration.

Gun Control

McConnell is strongly against additional gun regulations, earning an “A+” rating from the NRA. He blocked background check legislation and other bipartisan gun control bills as Majority Leader.


McConnell aggressively promotes coal interests and rejects proposals to address climate change. He opposes carbon emission regulations and the Paris Climate Accord.

Supreme Court Nominations

As Majority Leader, McConnell has focused on rapidly confirming young, conservative Supreme Court nominees like Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett to profoundly reshape the judiciary.

Foreign Policy

McConnell backs strong military spending, an assertive foreign policy, and confronting rivals like Russia and China. But he cautioned against Trump’s isolationism and withdrawing US global leadership.


In summary, Mitch McConnell’s enduring legacy is built upon his shrewd political instincts and parliamentary maneuvers that have helped him wield tremendous influence as Senate Majority Leader. He has successfully concentrated power in the Republican Party, blocked progressive policies, and enacted a staunchly conservative agenda.

McConnell’s achievements include confirming a large volume of conservative judges, passing major tax cuts, and blocking left-leaning legislation. But his hyper-partisanship, norm-breaking tactics, and enablement of Trump’s excesses have also drawn intense criticism. Regardless of one’s political views, there is no doubt McConnell has left a significant imprint on 21st century American politics.

5 Key Things Mitch McConnell is Known For:

  • Orchestrating the rapid confirmation of hundreds of conservative federal judges and three Supreme Court justices
  • Blocking President Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland from receiving a confirmation vote in 2016
  • Leading Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)
  • Shaping the Republican Party’s agenda and legislative strategy as Senate Majority Leader -Facilitating the passage of major tax cut legislation in 2017

Frequently Asked Questions about Mitch McConnell’s Legacy

How long has Mitch McConnell been in the Senate?

Mitch McConnell was first elected to the Senate in 1984 and is currently the longest serving Senator in Kentucky’s history, having served for over 35 years.

What are Mitch McConnell’s biggest political accomplishments?

McConnell is most renowned for blocking Barack Obama’s judicial nominees, confirming over 200 conservative judges under Trump, passing substantial tax cuts, repealing campaign finance regulations, and blocking Democratic legislation.

How has McConnell changed the federal judiciary?

As Senate Majority Leader, McConnell made confirming conservative judicial nominees his top priority, resulting in Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett being appointed to the Supreme Court.

What tactics does McConnell use as Majority Leader?

McConnell’s Senate leadership relies heavily on obstructionism, hyper-partisanship and procedural maneuvers to block Democratic legislation while advancing Republican priorities.

Why is McConnell such a polarizing figure?

McConnell’s legacy is divisive because he has enabled partisan gridlock, erosion of Senate norms and Trump’s excesses, but also credited for disciplined GOP leadership and shaping the federal courts.

How has McConnell impacted policy debates like healthcare and taxes?

McConnell led Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare and pass huge tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, though he failed to fully dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

What is McConnell’s biggest failure or controversy as Majority Leader?

McConnell faced major criticism for enabling Trump’s first impeachment trial despite evidence of wrongdoing and refusing to hold Trump accountable for inciting the January 6th insurrection.

How has McConnell shaped the Republican party’s direction?

McConnell concentrated power in the Senate leadership, opposed ethics reforms, enabled unlimited money in politics and built a highly partisan, obstructionist GOP caucus centered on confirming conservative judges.

Will McConnell go down as one of the most influential Senate Majority Leaders?

Yes, McConnell will have a lasting impact for reversing the federal courts’ ideological balance, blocking Obama’s agenda and shaping more than a decade of polarized Congressional politics in the 21st century.

What is McConnell’s legacy on issues like voting rights, gun control and the environment?

McConnell opposed efforts to expand voting rights, block gun regulations and address climate change, prioritizing conservative policy goals over bipartisan reforms on these issues.

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