What is Si King (Hairy Bikers) Famous For: The Life and Career of the Beloved TV Chef

Si King is best known as one-half of the Hairy Bikers, along with Dave Myers. Together they have hosted numerous cookery shows on BBC television and published many bestselling cookbooks. Si King has become a beloved public figure in the UK due to his charismatic personality and passion for food. But what exactly is Si King famous for and how did he become so popular?

Early Life and Career

Simon ‘Si’ King was born on 20 December 1966 in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. From a young age, he developed a keen interest in food and cooking. After completing school, Si King began working as a location assistant on film sets. This job allowed him to travel and experience different cuisines across the globe.

In 1995, Si met Dave Myers while working on a TV drama series called The Gambling Man. The pair soon bonded over their mutual love of food and motorbikes. Their natural chemistry led to them being given their own cooking segment on the show.

Encouraged by positive viewer feedback, Si and Dave began pitching the idea of a cooking travelogue series. This eventually became the original Hairy Bikers show The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook which launched on BBC Two in 2004.

What is Si King Famous For?

Popularising Homestyle, Regional Dishes

One of the key things Si King is famous for is championing unfussy, homestyle cooking on primetime television. Many of the Hairy Bikers’ early shows focused on regional British cuisine, such as hearty pies and curries. Si King helped shine a spotlight on dishes from diverse areas like Cornwall, Yorkshire and the Northwest.

King’s down-to-earth approach in the kitchen endeared him to audiences. He emphasised using simple techniques and ingredients to create delicious family meals. This focus on regional dishes helped educate viewers on the diversity of British cuisine.

Entertaining Television Personality

A huge factor in Si King’s fame is his lively and amusing on-screen persona. His natural rapport with co-host Dave Myers was a major part of the appeal of their programmes. Fans loved their cheeky banter and constant joking around.

King developed a talent for adding entertaining flair to cooking demonstrations. His spontaneous jokes and improvised songs brought an infectious energy to the shows. This charisma turned Si and Dave into beloved household names.

International Cookbook Author

As well as their successful TV shows, the Hairy Bikers have become bestselling cookbook authors. Si King has co-written numerous books with Myers, many of which became Christmas number ones.

Their cookbooks have expanded beyond just British cuisine as well. Titles like Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure and Hairy Dieters introduced readers to dishes from around the world. To date, the Hairy Bikers have sold over 5 million cookbooks. Si King’s recipes and culinary tips have clearly resonated strongly with home cooks.

Advocate for Healthy Eating

In recent years, Si King has also used his fame to promote healthier eating habits. After King and Myers both struggled with weight issues, they made positive lifestyle changes.

Series like The Hairy Bikers Diet Club saw them create lower calorie versions of comfort food favourites. They offered tips on achieving a balanced diet without sacrificing on flavour. King also opened up about his own diabetes diagnosis and weight loss journey. His candid advocacy empowered viewers to make better dietary choices.

Si King’smost notable TV shows

Si King has hosted numerous popular cooking and travel shows often focused on road trips. Some of his most notable TV programmes include:

The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook

  • Original series in 2004 launching the Hairy Bikers partnership on BBC Two
  • Focused on recreating traditional British and Irish dishes

The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour of Britain

  • 2006 series travelling to different British regions exploring local cuisine
  • Highlighted hyper-local specialities like Staffordshire oatcakes

Hairy Bikers’ Mums Know Best

  • 2011 BBC Two show with Si and Dave cooking their mothers’ recipes
  • Celebrated nostalgic, comforting home cooking

The Hairy Bikers’ Mississippi Adventure

  • 2014 series where they travelled down the Mississippi River
  • Episodes highlighted Southern American cooking styles and local ingredients

The Hairy Bikers’ Mediterranean Adventure

  • 2018 BBC Two series exploring Mediterranean cuisine
  • Visited regions like Sardinia, Sicily and Moselle showcasing food specialities

The Hairy Bikers Go North

  • 2019 show focusing on Northern England food from Yorkshire, Cumbria and Northumberland
  • Modern twists on classics like Yorkshire pudding wraps and Lancaster salad

Si King’s Business Ventures

Beyond his successful television career, Si King has also explored various business ideas that allow him to share his passion for food.

Hairy Bikers’ Restaurants

In 2011, Si King and Dave Myers opened their first “Hairy Bikers’ Café” restaurant in Malton, North Yorkshire. Their menu focused on deliver

Diet Recipe Website

After losing weight themselves, Si and Dave launched the Hairy Bikers’ Diet Club website in 2018. It features their favourite slimming recipes along with exercise tips.

Hairy Biker Food Products

Capitalising on their popularity, the Hairy Bikers have created a range of branded cooking sauces, stocks and seasonings. Products allow fans to bring the Bikers’ flavours into their own kitchens.

Si King’s Charity Work and Honours

Aside from his TV fame, Si King has used his profile to support good causes and received recognition for his work.

Charity Bike Rides

King has participated in several long charity bike rides for organisations like Macmillan Cancer Support. In 2013, he cycled over 1000 miles from Norway to Sicily raising £250,000.

Honorary Degrees

For their services to the culinary arts, Leeds Beckett University awarded honorary doctorate degrees to both Si King and Dave Myers in 2017.

Prince’s Trust

Si King serves as an ambassador for The Prince’s Trust, Charles’ charitable foundation which helps young people gain skills and confidence.

Guild of Food Writers

In 2019, Si King and Dave Myers were inducted into the Guild of Food Writers in honour of their work promoting Britain’s culinary landscape.

Si King’s Diet and Health Struggles

Like many middle-aged men, Si King has faced health challenges in recent years including weight gain and diabetes.

Weight Gain

Heavy drinking and unhealthy eating led to Si King’s weight ballooning to over 18 stone in his 40s. This impacted his wellbeing and ability to perform physically demanding TV shoots.

Diabetes Diagnosis

In 2016, Si was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes as a result of his obesity and family history. This increased his risk for further complications.

Lifestyle Changes

After his diagnosis, King adopted a healthier Mediterranean style diet and daily exercise regimen. This allowed him to get back down to a healthier 12 stone weight.

Going Teetotal

On doctor’s orders, Si quit drinking alcohol entirely in 2019 to help manage his diabetes. He has been tee-total ever since.

Raising Awareness

King has been very open about his health journey to educate others. His diet tips and candid interviews are inspiring fans to make better lifestyle choices.

Si King’s Hairy Bikers Partner – Dave Myers

Much of Si King’s career success and fame is tied to his longtime collaborator Dave Myers. Here’s some background on his cooking partner:

  • Born in Barrow-in-Furness, England in 1957 making Myers 7 years older than King
  • First met King in 1995 on the set of TV drama The Gambling Man
  • Also worked in TV production and on film sets before cooking career
  • Studied fine art at Goldsmiths and was childhood friends with artist Damien Hirst
  • Known for bald head, glasses and hairy beard
  • Lost 30kg in 2008 through diet and exercise
  • Published memoir The Hairy Bikers’ Perfect Pies: The Ultimate Pie Bible in 2022
  • Diagnosed with cancer in 2022 and underwent chemotherapy treatment

Despite Myers’ recent cancer diagnosis, the pair still have plans to tour a new live stage show together in 2023. Fans are wishing Dave a full recovery and hoping to see the hilarious duo back together on tour and TV soon. Their friendship and natural rapport has been a core element of the Hairy Bikers’ appeal.

Si King’s Personal Life

Away from the TV cameras, Si King has a very settled home life these days. However, he has been through some ups and downs in his personal relationships over the years.

Marriages & Divorces

King married his first wife Jan Henman in 1987 but they later divorced. He remarried in 2000 to a woman named Alexandra. After they split, Si married his current wife Michele Cranston in 2012.

Longterm Partner

Despite his rocky romantic history, Si has been happily settled with his third wife Michele for over a decade now. They live together with their beloved labradoodle Crosby.


Si King has four children from his previous relationships – son Alex and daughters Poppy, Dylan and Layla. He prefers to keep his family life very private.

Home in Kent

These days Si King resides with his wife and dog in the countryside of Kent. When not travelling for work, he enjoys relaxing walks in nature and working on classic car restoration projects.

Love of Motorbikes

Aside from cooking, King’s main hobby is riding motorcycles. He has gone on bike tours around the world and co-authored travelogues on his adventures including The Hairy Bikers’ Asian Adventure.

Si King’s Net Worth

With a hugely successful TV career spanning over 15 years, Si King has amassed quite a fortune. Here is a look at his estimated net worth:

  • Reported net worth of approximately £7 million
  • Much of his wealth comes from his lucrative cookbook sales and TV contracts
  • Owns a lavish £1.5 million home in Kent with wife Michele
  • Profits from Hairy Bikers restaurants and branded food products
  • Also earns income from corporate appearances/speaking engagements
  • Rumoured salary of £200,000 per TV series shared with Dave Myers
  • Car collection includes classic 1968 Cadillac and Mercedes camper van
  • Has invested some wealth in retirement properties and rental income

While King lives comfortably now, he came from a working class background. His cooking fame provided him an opportunity to build significant wealth and financial security for his family. But Si remains down-to-earth and frugal despite his millions.

Si King’s Legacy and Cultural Impact

Looking at Si King’s varied achievements, there are several lasting impacts from his career:

  • Modernised traditional cuisine and sparked new interest in British dishes
  • Brought regional cooking styles to a mainstream audience
  • Inspired everyday home cooks with accessible recipes and tips
  • Redefined cooking shows with their informal, improvised style
  • Helped improve public perceptions of overweight people through positivity
  • Promoted men enjoying cooking and bonding over food
  • Advocated for healthy eating and diabetes awareness
  • Used fame to support charities and community causes

Thanks to Si King and Dave Myers, dishes like Lancashire hotpot and Cornish pasties reached a whole new generation. Their passion brought the joy of home cooking back into British kitchens. Through charm and authenticity, the Hairy Bikers made food fun again for millions of viewers.

Si King’s Future Plans and Projects

Now in his late 50s, Si King shows no signs of slowing down his prolific television and literary career. Fans can look forward to more escapist adventures and mouthwatering recipes from the Hairy Bikers for years to come.

More Cookbooks

Si and Dave already have plans to publish more cooking titles focused on fast, budget-friendly meals. Future books will also incorporate healthier recipes catering to an ageing fanbase.

New TV Series

The Hairy Bikers have recently pitched several new UK travelogue shows including Hairy Bikers: Unexplored France and an over 50s cooking challenge series.

Live Shows

Once Dave Myers has fully recovered from illness, the duo aims to take their irreverent humorous banter on the road again for more successful theatre tours.


Si King has hinted he may also try his hand at writing an autobiography sharing stories from his life before food fame. Fans are eager to read more about his early days.

At 65, King has come full circle from his working class roots in the Northeast to national treasure status. However, fame has never changed his infectiously cheery spirit. Si King remains the approachable, everyday cook who invites us into his kitchen in each beloved TV episode or cookbook. Ultimately, this genuine warmth is what he will always be remembered for.


In summary, Si King is most famous for forming one half of the beloved Hairy Bikers duo, along with Dave Myers. With his enthusiasm for regional cooking, down-to-earth charm and cheeky sense of humour, Si became a hugely popular TV personality. He helped educate viewers about Britain’s diverse cuisine through travelogues and family recipe focused shows.

Outside of his screens success, Si King has also authored multiple bestselling cookbooks and promoted healthier eating habits after his own diabetes diagnosis. His cheeky persona and touching advocacy have left a lasting cultural impact. Above all, Si King’s fame comes from inviting audiences into the kitchen and celebrating the joy of delicious home cooking. There’s no doubt Si still has a big appetite for more food escapades in future alongside his lifelong mate Dave.

Frequently Asked Questions about Si King

Here are answers to some common questions people have about Hairy Bikers star Si King:

How did Si King meet Dave Myers?

Si King and Dave Myers met on the set of TV drama The Gambling Man in 1995 where they were both working in production. Their instant bond over food led to an on-screen cooking segment that sparked the creation of the Hairy Bikers concept.

Where is Si King originally from?

He was born Simon King in 1966 in Newcastle Upon Tyne in Northeast England. He developed his love of cuisine growing up in this working class industrial city.

Is Si King married?

Yes, Si has been married three times. After divorces from first wives Jan and Alexandra, he wed his current wife Michele Cranston in 2012. They live together with Si’s children from previous relationships as well as their dog.

What was Si King’s big weight loss?

At his heaviest Si weighed over 18 stone. After being diagnosed with diabetes in 2016, he adopted a healthier Mediterranean diet and exercise regime. This allowed Si to lose nearly 6 stone and get down to 12 stone.

How much is Si King worth?

Si King’s estimated net worth is around £7 million. His wealth comes from his TV career, cookbooks, Hairy Bikers restaurants and branded products. He owns an expensive home in Kent.

Does Si King have diabetes?

Yes, Si King was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2016. He has managed his condition through diet, exercise, quitting drinking alcohol and raising awareness about diabetes.

What is Si King’s favourite food?

Some of Si’s favourite foods he has highlighted on his shows include curries, pies, roast dinners, and classics from his native Northeast England like stotties and pan haggerty.

What will Si King do next?

Si and Dave have more cookbooks, TV shows and live tours in the works. Si may also write an autobiography. The Hairy Bikers have lots more UK food adventures planned for fans to enjoy.

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